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Shamanic States/Sacred Sites
Dunderry Park, Dunderry, Meath, Republic of Ireland
On this introductory course we will be using traditional shamanic techniques from around the world to explore the exciting and ecstatic realms beyond ordinary reality i.e. Journey with the Drum Celtic fire ceremony Healing circle Spirit boat Creating a circle of protection Stalking awareness Trance dancing The course consists of a weekend residential workshop in a beautiful rural setting in County Meath close to the sacred sites of Newgrange, Tara and Loughcrew. We will be working together in the circle, creating a safe and sacred space to enable us to form a healing community. Shamanism is humanity's most ancient tradition for healing, solving problems and for keeping in harmony with nature, society and other people. Traditionally a shaman is a person who can change their state of consciousness at will in order to journey to other realities to obtain power and knowledge for themselves and others.The three day workshop is open to those who wish to explore the Shamanic realms at a deeper level. It is also an opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. This workshop is held twice a year at the Summer and Winter Solstices.The group will together in the circle to create a supportive healing community where we can journey deeper into ourselves and beyond. We will be performing ritual and ceremony on the sacred sites of the Boyne Valley. There will also be a sacred Celtic sweatlodge ceremony and we will journey into Mother Earth inside the cairn.The workshop will include the following:Celtic sweatlodgeEcstatic Journey - using trance dance, breathwork and drumming to journey deeperHealing circleSpirit boatFirewalking ceremonyShamanic healing workTrance dancingTime in natureFree time/party time.Start 6pm Friday - 3pm pm Sunday/