Popular places for shopping antiques in Koh Samui
Here's a list of Popular places for shopping antiques in Koh Samui recommended by our experts:

My Jewel International
The selection of gold, silver and gems isn't quite as good as some other shops elsewhere on the island, but the prices are hard to beat. Over at Chaweng Beach, ...
Able Art Gallery
Able Art Gallery is one of the antiques and art galleries listed in the shopping section of the Koh Samui Directory, which is the comprehensive business guide ...
Chaweng Beach
Alex Galleries is one of the antiques and art galleries listed in the shopping section of the Koh Samui Directory, which is the comprehensive business guide to ...
Other Recommendations
Chaweng Sidewalk Street Shopping
Chaweng Sidewalk Street Shopping has most of the souvenirs you'd dream of bringing home. Soap carvings, tee shirts, jewelry, knockoffs a sin clothes and bags, ...
Mr Samui's

Prayada Shop
Welcome to Koh Samui's most experienced and fashion conscience Tailors. we offer knowledgable salesmen and expert Tailors who will give you the best deals at ...

Peerada Shop
Weaving textiles is a country's cultural heritage. Thailand is one of the country that has impressive quality in particular silk. Different regions have unique ...
Royal Souvenir & Gift Shop
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