Popular places to shop for your family on your way back in Koh Samui

Here's a list of Popular places to shop for your family on your way back in Koh Samui recommended by our experts:

Mae Nam Beach

Mae Nam Beach

Beach in Koh Samui

Mae Nam Beach This quiet beach, located in the north of the island is decent enough for swimming and sunbathing, especially for families with children, due to ...

Chaweng Beach

Chaweng Beach

Place to Visit in Koh Samui

Chaweng Beach is the major beach on Ko Samui and one that has developed tremendously since the early 1990s. Just 20 years ago the beach was home to just a ...

Lamai Beach

Lamai Beach

Beach in Koh Samui

Lamai Beach Like Chaweng, Lamai has been transformed from a 'hippy' hangout into a fun, party place packed out with bars and exciting night life. The beach ...

Bophut Beach

Bophut Beach

Beach in Koh Samui

Bophut Beach is a beach village with the village located in the middle of the beach. The long beach extends a few kilometers from Maenam Beach to Big Buddha ...



Shopping Place in Koh Samui

Nathon - The island's major seafront settlement where shops, restaurants, and tour agencies are concentrated.

Other Recommendations

Chaweng Sidewalk Street Shopping

Shopping Place in Koh Samui

Chaweng Sidewalk Street Shopping has most of the souvenirs you'd dream of bringing home. Soap carvings, tee shirts, jewelry, knockoffs a sin clothes and bags, ...

Prayada Shop

Prayada Shop

Shopping Place in Koh Samui

Welcome to Koh Samui's most experienced and fashion conscience Tailors. we offer knowledgable salesmen and expert Tailors who will give you the best deals at ...

Peerada Shop

Peerada Shop

Shopping Place in Koh Samui
For WomenShopping

Weaving textiles is a country's cultural heritage. Thailand is one of the country that has impressive quality in particular silk. Different regions have unique ...

Lamai Night Bazaar

Shopping Place in Koh Samui

Lamai Night Bazaar is the fun place to shop at night. A beer Bar Square is nearby this place. Pirated and copied stuff are all here. Lots of sarongs and Flip-...

About Arts And Crafts

Shopping Place in Koh Samui

About Arts and Crafts is where you can find good handcrafted and hand painted bowls, plates and mugs done by two Thai artists who also create beautiful jewelry ...

Lamai Fresh Market

Shopping Place in Koh Samui

Lamai Fresh Market is where the locals go for the exotic fruit plus vegetables and the usual street food. There are some clothes shops that carry trendy stuff ...