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Yurmikmik Walks
via Gunlom Road, Kakadu National Park, 0886 Phone: 61 08 8938 1120
Spend the tropical summer taking the Yurmikmik Walks in the southern region of Kakadu National Park. Follow the interconnected trails that lead to stunning waterfalls and scenic lookouts. Yurmikmik is the Jawoyn name for the country between the Marrawal Plateau and the South Alligator River. You will notice the changes in the landscape as you walk from the cool creeks and monsoon forests into the heat of the open woodlands, and from the trees in the woodland valley to the stunted rocky ridge and plateau vegetation. You can choose from the 2-kilometre return Boulder Creek Walk into woodland and monsoon forest, or the 5-kilometre return Yurmikmik Lookout Walk up a stony ridge to views over Jawoyn country. The 7.5-kilometre return Motor Car Falls Walk follows an historic vehicle track and offers cool creeks shaded by rainforest. Experienced walkers can take The Motor Car and Kurrundie Creek circuit walk of 14 kilometres, a more difficult overnight walk. The Yurmikmik Walks in the southern hills and ridges are enjoyable in the tropical season, but beware of flash flooding in creeks during this time. An entry fee of AUD25.00 per person over the age of 16 years is required to enter Kakadu.