Top Places to Visit

Enver Hoxha's Grave
Enver Hoxha's grave, Varrezat e Sharres. Today Enver Hoxha rests at the Sharra cemetery Varrezat e Sharres . The graves position according to GPS is 41°18'455"N... more

Skanderbeg Square
Skanderbeg Square (Albanian: Sheshi Skënderbej) is the main plaza of Tirana, Albania named in 1968 after the Albanian national hero Skanderbeg. A Skanderbeg ...
Fortress Of Justinian
Fortress of Justinian (Albanian: Kalaja e Justinianit) or simply known as Tirana Castle (Albanian: Kalaja e Tiranës) is a castle in Tirana, Albania. Its history... more

Clock Tower
Clock Tower (Kulla e Sahatit), Skanderbeg Square. 09:00-13:00, 16:00-18:00. Closed Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday. Positioned in the city centre, this tower has ... more
Top Places to Eat
Floga Restaurant
Great traditional albanian food and wine especially mixed grilled meat and sausages. one of the few places that you can try albanian home made pie (byrek) and ... more
Top Shopping Places
Blloku Area
What used to be the most restricted area of the city can now be defined as the small "Soho" of Tirana. In communist times no-one, except an elite group of party... more
Top Places for Nightlife
Sky Tower Rotating Bar.
Sky Tower Rotating Bar. (Rr. Ibrahim Rugova) This is a must! The rotation is a bit jerky and may leave you slightly seasick.
Top Activity Places
National Gallery Of Arts
The National Gallery of Arts, hosts more that 4000 items dating from the 13-th century including an interesting collection of socialist-realism paintings and ... more
Dëshmorët E Kombit Boulevard
Dëshmorët e Kombit Boulevard (Bulevardi Dëshmorët e Kombit (Nation's Martyrs Boulevard)). A panoramic boulevard built by the Italians in the 1930s similar to ... more
City Park, Autostrada Tirane Durres
City Park is one of the biggest shopping malls in the Region of South Eastern Europe. It includes 180 shops, a food court, several bars, a hypermarket and a ice... more
Sheshi Skënderbej
Sheshi Skënderbej (Skanderbeg Square). Tirana's city centre. A statue of Albanian hero Skanderbeg stands in the square with the Albanian flag on the side. ... more
Murat Toptani Street
Murat Toptani Street. Murat Toptani Street is a recently opened pedestrian only street east of Rinia Park constructed with stone and located nearby Tirana ... more