Marisqueria Tongoy

Bulnes 72 Cuisines: Seafood


The menu of Marisqueria Tongoy reads like so many others, with fried fish and a side of potatoes how you like them figuring prominently, and also offers tasty, brothy caldillo de congrio (conger eel soup). Portions are plentiful, prices are good, and this restaurant is more of a neighborhood insider spot than many of its overpriced and overhyped bretheren on Av. Cumming, just a few blocks away. While it specializes in seafood (and is, in fact named for a fisherman's cove near La Serena, in the norte chico), the menu also carries lomo a lo pobre (meat served with french fries and a fried egg on top) and other known cure-alls such as consomme con huevo (chicken soup with an egg). The portions are plentiful, the prices not too punishing (the average dish comes in around $10), and it has a distinct "this is how the locals eat" feel to it. It's a bit off the beaten path, but worth the trip.

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