You know you have arrived at a special place as you as watch bottlenose dolphins skim along the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, then suddenly and happily soar above the water's blue surface. A two hour LeBarge Tropical Cruise will delight the family. Lebarge offers a variety of experiences. On an evening cruise you will understand why some early mariners and explorers believed the ocean ended with a steep drop-off, as you watch the sun quickly disappear as if it had tumbled down into a deep chasm. You also can talk about how it would feel to live in one of the multi-million dollar mansions overlooking Sarasota Bay as you cruise along the shoreline, listening to tales of the city's rich and famous who helped create Sarasota's history. On some LaBarge cruises you also will be entertained by local musicians. A cruise in Sarasota Bay will produce long lasting memories for your family.