Kapok Hotel
Conceniently located within walking distance of the Queens Park Savannah, this hotel is ideal for its location from the city. Its just a few minutes walk from down town Port-of- Spain and a thirty minute drive to most popular beach on the North Coast Road starting with Maracas Bay. Kapok's services include complimentary continental breakfast, a fully equipped exercise facility, a self service Laundrymart, a guest computer lobby room and lobby shops. Complimentary Internet access is provided in all guest rooms; wireless access is also available in conference rooms, resturants and lobby. Buisness and pleasure can be mixed at their two fine resturants - Tiki Village for their Asian Polynesian cuisine and Bois Cano Bistro and Bar for exotic cocktails and Trini Flavoured snacks. Enjoy live entertainments on a Friday afternoon at Tiki Village or experience Wine and Jazz Thursdays and Steak Friday evenings in the romantic garedn setting at Bois Canot.