Juan y Medio
Huerfanos 2076
Since 1947 Juan y Medio (Juan and a half), so named for its original proprietor's stature and girth has been serving up platefuls of hearty Chilean cuisine like lomo vetado (a kind of steak), porotos granados (a potage of squash, cranberry beans and ground fresh corn with a touch of basil), arrollado (a rolled, stuffed cut of beef) and various cazuelas (traditional brothy meat soups served with corn and squash) and conejo escabechado (pickled rabbit)way out of town, some 100 km (60 miles) from Santiago, on the Panamerican Highway headed south. But just recently, Santiaguinos and visitors to the Chilean capital can sample these traditional Chilean recipes in an authentic restaurant right on Plaza Brasil, near Los Heroes on the red line and Santa Ana on the green line metro. The restaurant is cozy, with red-checked tablecloths and black-and-white dressed waiters. Every meal starts with a big basket of bread and pebre, Chile's usually mild but tasty version of salsa, and ends (if you'd like) with a bajativo (liquer) of either menta (mint) or manzanilla (chamomile). In between, there are no losers on this traditional Chilean menu, which is heavily slated (as is most Chilean food) towards meat, but the porotos granados are vegetarian, and one of their most popular dishes. Traditional dessert options include Castañas al jugo (Chestnuts in syrup) and higos con nuez (figs stuffed with walnuts) and perhaps the most traditional of all, duraznos con crema (cooked peaches with cream).