Top Places to Visit
Pannonhalma Abbey
The Benedictine Pannonhalma Archabbey or Territorial Abbey of Pannonhalma (lat. Archiabbatia or Abbatia Territorialis Sancti Martini in Monte Pannoniae) is the ... more
Top Shopping Places
This is a brand new shopping centre in the middle if NItra. Sapcious, expencive but also cheaper shops of all kinds, a great book shop on 1st floor. Lotss of ...
Top Places for Nightlife
Mandala Tea House
Mandala Tea House. Found near the cathedral.
Top Activity Places
Town Hall, 9021 Győr, Városháza Tér 1, Magyarország
One of the most beautiful town halls in Hungary, built in 1896. Tourists can visit the main tower (59 meters) and can enjoy the view of the city center. It has ... more
Nádasdy Ferenc Múzeum
Sárvár, the Spa town also boasts a well-preserved medieval castle. During its peak, it was owned by County Nádasdy, who was feared under the nickname 'The Black... more
Raba Quelle
Raba Quelle. An Aquapark.