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Chatswood Inn - Chatswood
34 Fullers Rd, Chatswood NSW 2067, Australia Phone: (02) 9411 8979
Chatswood Inn is within walking distance of Chatswood train and bus stations and several shopping malls. A 15 minutes train ride or 10 minutes by bus or taxi will take you to Sydney Harbour Bridge, Opera House, Darling Harbour and other attractions. Chatswood Inn, Sydney bed and breakfast, enjoys a great location in the beautiful Lower North Shore, and provides competitively priced accommodation for an affordable business trip and holiday. Visitors looking for a homely alternative to a hotel will appreciate the cosy surroundings, with particular convenience for the Chatswood and Sydney central business district. Experienced and friendly staff are happy to be of service and will gladly point you in the direction of local shops and leisure centres. Free wireless internet provides you an opportunity to search information and engage in online conversation with anyone as needed. There is also free off street car parking.