Bryggen Tracteursted

Bryggestredet 2 Phone: ☎ +47 55 33 69 99 Cuisines: Authentic Local


Bryggen Tracteursted, Bryggestredet 2 (in the middle of Bryggen, towards the rear side), ☎ +47 55 33 69 99 (, [80]. Bryggen Tracteursted offers a modern kitchen inspired by Hanseatic and local traditions, served in historic surroundings. A hidden treasure with its somewhat anonymous appearance. The restaurant can in principle fit up to about 200 guests, but the kitchen is very small, and expansion is not allowed by the cultural heritage authorities. This forces the restaurant to accept a relatively low number of patrons at a time – giving a peaceful atmosphere. A reservation is recommended. Main courses kr. 185–335.  

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