Twisted Shopping Place Twisted, Nygårdsgaten 1 B, ☎ +47 55 96 01 87. Independent fashion store for... Shortlist
Ruben's Skattkammer Shopping Place Ruben's skattkammer, Vetrlidsalmenning 5, ☎ +47 55 31 41 11 ( Shortlist
Norsk Flid Husfliden Shopping Place Norsk Flid Husfliden, Vågsallmenningen 3 (near the tourist office), ☎ +47 ... Shortlist
Kløverhuset Shopping Place Next to the Fish Market on the harbor, this four-story shopping center has ... Shortlist
Søstrene Hagelin Shopping Place Søstrene Hagelin (The Hagelin Sisters), Strandgaten 3 (By Torgalmenningen... Shortlist
Apollon Shopping Place Apollon, Nygårdsgaten 2 A, ☎ +47 55 31 59 43 (fax: +47 55 31 58 08). Music ... Shortlist
Pepper Shopping Place Pepper, Christies gate 9, ☎ +47 55 56 39 75, [66]. Expensive, but cool ... Shortlist