Top Places to Visit

Feria Rural Y Artesanal
Feria Rural y Artesanal, (at the corner of Libertad and Dieciocho). A handful of shops selling handcrafts and restaurants serving seafood dishes as a small ...

Museo Regional De Ancud
Museo Regional de Ancud, Libertad (opposite the Plaza de Armas). It is a small museum but the displays inside help visitors understand more about the city. ... more
Museo Bomberil
Museo Bomberil, Blanco Encalada (next to the fire station). A small but interesting hall showing many memorabilia about the local fire department. There are ... more
Fundación Amigos De Las Iglesias De Chiloé
Phone: ☎ 62 1046 / 62 9847
Fundación Amigos de las Iglesias de Chiloé, Errázuriz 227 (just 2 blocks down from the bus terminal), ☎ 62 1046 / 62 9847, [1]. There are many delicate handmade... more

Fuerte San Carlos
Fuerte San Carlos.

Fuerte San Antonio
Fuerte San Antonio, San Antonio (next to Hosteria Ancud). It is a fortress built by the Spanish in the early 19th century and boasts impressive views of the ... more
Top Places to Eat

La Candela
La Candela across from the Plaza de Armas at Libertad 599 is a fantastic restaurant. Don't visit Ancud without stopping in for either lunch or dinner or dessert... more
Casamar is a superb restaurant and bar of modern architecture overviewing the sea, at night with a big video screen, good music and fantastic food and drinks.

Kuranton At the port, nice and inexpensive local where you can eat the famous Curanto meal.
Pedersen Salon De Te
Pedersen Salon de Te Down the road from La Candela there is a small cafe which also serves sandwiches and desserts. The native dessert derived from European ... more
Ostras Caulín
Oyster lovers won't want to miss this tiny restaurant on the shore of Caulín, about 9km (5 1/2 miles) from Chacao and 25km (16 miles) from Ancud (from the ferry... more
Retro's Pub
retro's pub at Maipú 615 is the best place for completos (sandwiches, try the ones with palta = guacamole), lunch, pizza, tea/coffee, dinner (tasty meat and ... more
Top Places for Nightlife
Retro's Pub
retro's pub, +56 (0)65 626410, is the place for Pisco Sour or other cocktails at night. And for the next morning a good address for ... more
Cafe Arte Nerudiano
Phone: ☎ 065620820
Cafe Arte Nerudiano, calle Maipu 650, second floor, ☎ 065620820. Cosy and arty coffeeshop/bar with balcony on the second floor of a wooden gallery in the centre... more
Top Activity Places

Senderos De Chepu
Senderos de Chepu, ☎ 569 9260 2423, [3]. Forest, river, beach, ocean, hiking, bird watching, with lodging in a family home. Señora Etiqueta and her husband ... more
Chepu Adventures Ecolodge
Phone: ☎ 569 93792481
Chepu Adventures Ecolodge, Camino a Chepu Km 13,2 (Chepu Rural - 38,5 km SW of Ancud), ☎ 569 93792481, [2]. Eco Tourism Chepu Adventures. Kayak while visiting ... more