Top things to do in Cardiff

Here's a list of Top things to do in Cardiff recommended by our experts:

City Sightseeing Cardiff

City Sightseeing Cardiff

Things to do in Cardiff
YouthHoneymoonLuxuryRoad Trip

See the old and the new Cardiff from the top of an open top tour bus. Let our guides tell you all about Cardiff Castle, Civic Centre, Millennium Centre, and the...

Bbc Cymru Wales Tours

Bbc Cymru Wales Tours

Things to do in Cardiff

Come and enjoy a behind-the-scenes tour of BBC Cymru Wales' main headquarters in Llandaff and learn more about some of the programmes made at Broadcasting House...

Cardiff's Forgotten Past

Cardiff's Forgotten Past

Things to do in Cardiff
Art And CultureRoad TripHistoryFriends

Never a base for Royals and power like London or Edinburgh, Cardiff was like a Tudor version of the Barbary coast, where pirates, merchants, nobles, and martyrs...

Doctor Who Tour Of Cardiff Locations

Doctor Who Tour Of Cardiff Locations

Things to do in Cardiff
Road TripFriendsWalkingFamily

The 4 hour Doctor Who Tour takes in over 20 locations in and around Cardiff such as where the rift cracked open, Amy Pond's village, Rose Tyler's workplace as ...

Llandaff Ghost Walk

Llandaff Ghost Walk

Things to do in Cardiff
AdventureYouthRoad TripFamily

Llandaff the ancient city within the modern city of Cardiff. Its narrow streets, pubs, and crumbling ruins create the atmosphere of a sleepy forgotten village, ...

Other Recommendations

Cardiff Waterbus

Cardiff Waterbus

Things to do in Cardiff

Cardiff Waterbus sails throughout the year, with extra services during school holidays and during the summer months. Trips include cruises around Cardiff Bay to...

Cardiff Waterbus

Cardiff Waterbus

Things to do in Cardiff

Cardiff Waterbus sails throughout the year, with extra services during school holidays and during the summer months. Trips include cruises around Cardiff Bay to...

Cardiff Bay

Cardiff Bay

Things to do in Cardiff

Visit Cardiff Bay a truly cosmopolitan experience full of restaurants, bars and cafes. A really good place for a 'passeggiata' on a Sunday afternoon. Boat rides...

Cardiff Mela

Things to do in Cardiff

Cardiff Mela, annual event usually held in Roald Dahl Plas, Cardiff Bay.

Cardiff Waterbus

Cardiff Waterbus

Things to do in Cardiff

Cardiff Waterbus sails throughout the year, with extra services during school holidays and during the summer months. Trips include cruises around Cardiff Bay to...

Cardiff Waterbus

Things to do in Cardiff

For an alternative way of travelling around Cardiff, head towards the water. Two companies provide waterbus services in Cardiff, and these not only get you from...