Calle Larga Xxii Marzo
Calle Larga XXII Marzo is a broad street containing lots of designer favourites. Unlike the other the shopping streets of Mercerie or Frezzeria, there's lots of...
Here's a list of Top high-street fashion shopping locations in Venice recommended by our experts:
Calle Larga XXII Marzo is a broad street containing lots of designer favourites. Unlike the other the shopping streets of Mercerie or Frezzeria, there's lots of...
The chain of shopping streets and boulevards, extending from the Rialto Bridge to St. Mark's square is called Mercerie. This part of Venice was and has always ...
Cavalli & Zegna ,best high fashion stylist of Italy and in the whole world aswell. He is using high tech fabrics with own designs and his clothes is perfectly. ...
Women love shoes... so do i.. if only my feet had a higher threshold of pain.. i would be strutting about or even running around in 5" inch heels, the way ...
At Sony, customer care begins before you even make a purchase. Whether in-store, online or catalog, we want you to have a shopping experience that meets or ...
The Maskmakers Shop is one of the oldest and finest mask making workshops in Venice . We are known for one main reason: our respect of tradition. However, we ...
The shops are located on the 1st floor of the Departures area whereby travelers leaving the EU region receive value added tax back on their purchases. Products ...
The Al Duca D'Aosta Uomo shop is located in Mercerie del Capitello. It is a street which arrives at Campo San Salvador, and passes by the Bareteri bridge going ...