Temple Of The Tooth
Sri Dalada Maligawa or the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic is a Buddhist temple in the city of Kandy, Sri Lanka. It is located in the royal palace complex of ...
Here's a list of Popular religious places in Kandy recommended by our experts:
Sri Dalada Maligawa or the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic is a Buddhist temple in the city of Kandy, Sri Lanka. It is located in the royal palace complex of ...
A beautiful temple hidden in the verdant hills outside Kandy. Great views and no pesky guides hounding you for donations. It is a special temple as it has two ...
This temple is built on solid granite rock and is worth a visit. It's not showy or flash but it is much more like a traditional Buddhist temple. The were ...
Maha Vishnu Devalaya is one of the four sacred devalayas associated with the Temple of Tooth. The devalaya is dedicated to the Hindu God - Lord Vishnu. Devotees...
Pattini Devalaya is one of the Hatara Devale in the Kandy, the other three being the Vishnu, Kataragama and Nath. These four Devalayas have a long association ...
Degalduruwa temple which is also called Degaldoruwa raja maha viharaya is one of the temples built during the 18th century with the patronage of former kings ...
Galmaduwa Viharaya probably enjoys the unique distinction of being the most Hindu-looking Buddhist temple in existence". "The central building is surrounded by...
The Natha Devale is located on the terrace, in front of the Palace complex of Kandy. It is said to have been in existence even before the Tooth Relic was ...
Located at Udunuwara Hiyarapitiya village of Kandy is the famous temple of Lankatilaka. The huge rock where the temple was built is called as Panhangala Rock. ...
Kandy Lake is a lake in the heart of the hill city of Kandy, Sri Lanka, built in 1807 by King Sri Vikrama Rajasinha of Sri Lanka next to the Temple of the Tooth...