Popular places to shop for your family on your way back in Cebu City

Here's a list of Popular places to shop for your family on your way back in Cebu City recommended by our experts:

Ayala Mall

Ayala Mall

Shopping Place in Cebu City

Ayala Mall Cebu is located near the IT Park and in the heart of the Cebu City Business Park. Ayala Mall Cebu is the areas most beautiful and comfortable mall to...

Sm City Mall

Sm City Mall

Shopping Place in Cebu City

SM City Cebu is a large shopping mall located in Cebu City, Philippines. It is the 4th shopping mall owned and developed by SM Prime Holdings, the country's ...

Robinsons Fuente Mall

Robinsons Fuente Mall

Shopping Place in Cebu City

Cebu City, which serves as a major gateway to the central and southern parts of the archipelago, is home to Robinsons Fuente. Located at the heart of the city ...

Colon Street

Colon Street

Shopping Place in Cebu City

Colon Street is a crowded street in downtown Cebu City that is often called the oldest and the shortest national road in the Philippines. It is named after ...

Other Recommendations

Shopping In Minglanilla Cebu

Shopping In Minglanilla Cebu

Shopping Place in Cebu City

Minglanilla is a shopping area near Cebu City and is located in the southern part of Cebu. It is has a wide variety of shops that caters to almost every ...

Quiksilver Sm City Cebu

Quiksilver Sm City Cebu

Shopping Place in Cebu City

SM Supermalls, owned by SM Prime Holdings, Inc., is a chain of shopping malls in the Philippines, with 43 malls across the Philippines as well as branches in ...

North Reclamation Area, Cebu City

North Reclamation Area, Cebu City

Shopping Place in Cebu City

SM City Cebu which is located at North Reclamation Area, Mabolo, Cebu City is a large shopping mall located in Cebu City, Philippines. It is the 4th shopping ...

Ayala Center Cebu

Ayala Center Cebu

Shopping Place in Cebu City

This is originally Cebu based pizza restaurant with very delicious choices of pizza. Locals and tourist alike enjoys the savory taste of their pizza. They have ...