Popular places to have Indian food in Tenby
Here's a list of Popular places to have Indian food in Tenby recommended by our experts:

Bay Of Bengal
Asian & Indian Restaurant : The most popular Indian restaurant in Tenby, bringing together traditional & contemporary Indo-Bengal Cuisine. We are a family ...
Other Recommendations
New Tajmahal Indian Restaurant

Tasty Cafe & Chinese Food Take Away
Tasty Cafe Chinese Takeaway in Tenby, Pembrokeshire. Tasty Cafe Chinese Takeaway's business profile on Pembrokeshire Business.

Elliott's Tapas
Tapas Tapas is a local, independent business that was borne of our love for Spanish food & culture. Having lived in Spain for almost a decade, and spent great ...

Seafood Restaurant : The Baytree has it all. Great food,great staff, great atmosphere.

Quayside Lawrenny Tearoom
At Quayside, food is freshly prepared using as much Pembrokeshire produce as possible. Homemade cakes, bread baked on the premises, along with daily specials ...

The Buccaneer
Local Cuisine, Good for : Families with children, Bar scene, Outdoor seating, Dining on a budget.
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