Popular places to have Gujarati Food in Srinagar

Here's a list of Popular places to have Gujarati Food in Srinagar recommended by our experts:

Hotel Pine Spring Wazir Bagh

Hotel Pine Spring Wazir Bagh

Restaurant in Srinagar

There are times when you just want to get away from it all. The hustle and bustle of the city and the tourist-packed malls. For times when you feel discovering ...

Other Recommendations

Falak Restaurant & Fast Food

Falak Restaurant & Fast Food

Restaurant in Srinagar

Falak Restaurant & Fast Food is a relaxing place to share great food with family and friends. Where you can have your delicious food in a very comforting and in...

Hatrick Fast Food

Hatrick Fast Food

Restaurant in Srinagar

A very good place to hang out with and family and friends . Where you can have your delicious food in a very comforting and in a friendly environment.

Pincer Vegetarian Foods

Pincer Vegetarian Foods

Restaurant in Srinagar

This popular vegetarian restaurant offers a delicious food and it's one of the most beautiful places in the Srinagar. A very good place to hang out with family...

Mac's Place Island

Mac's Place Island

Restaurant in Srinagar

Mac's Place Island,Steamy spices and exotic Indian flavors fill the room at this superior Indian restaurant in the luxurious Starhill Gallery. Well-known in the...

Cafe Same Place

Cafe Same Place

Cafe in Srinagar

It is a place for everyone who is looking for mouth watering delights. Treat your taste buds with the exquisite delicacies right at Cafe Same Place, here most ...

Billian's Hut Restaurant

Billian's Hut Restaurant

Restaurant in Srinagar

Billian's Hut is multi cuisine restaurant. They offer Breakfast & all day snacks, selected variety of traditional Kashmir and Indian delicacies also graces the ...



Restaurant in Srinagar

Walk into Stream for a splendid meal in a beautiful ambiance. The place offers bot veg and non-vegetarian food of both Indian and Kashmiri cuisine. The food ...

Smokin Joes Pizza

Smokin Joes Pizza

Restaurant in Srinagar

It is an restaurant to eat fast food ,which provides you tasty pizza and most of the people like to have pizza in this restaurant.

Punjabi Tadka

Punjabi Tadka

Restaurant in Srinagar

A very good place to hang out with family and friends. Where you can have your delicious food in a very comforting and in a friendly environment, they serve ...