Popular places to have Chinese food in Santa Barbara
Here's a list of Popular places to have Chinese food in Santa Barbara recommended by our experts:

Shang Hai
Count on the staff at Shanghai Chinese Restaurant to provide you with spectacular Chinese cuisine. In addition to our affordable lunch menu, the staff at our...

China Pavilion
Raising the bar in Chinese dining, China Pavilion provides quality Chinese cuisine with a fine dining experience. Besides the more common dishes, we also ...
Chinese Food Santa Barbara
Other Recommendations

Santa Barbara Shellfish Company

Bella Vista At Four Seasons Resort The Biltmore Santa Barbara
A convergence of California cuisine with contemporary Italian influences takes center stage at Bella Vista. The oceanfront restaurant serves breakfast, lunch ...

Pace Food+drink
New restaurant with fabulous food in Santa Barbara. Highly recommend.
Your Place Restaurant

You can tell that this warm and inviting restaurant is passionate about wine just from its name -- bouchon is French for "wine cork." And not just any wines, ...
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