Popular places to have Chinese food in Kasauli
Here's a list of Popular places to have Chinese food in Kasauli recommended by our experts:

Other Recommendations

Kasauli Regency Hotel
Kasauli Regency a small boutique hotel in Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh and offers the best of accommodation in comparison to other Hotels in Kasauli . Hangout ...

Hotel R. Maidens, Kasauli - Restaurant
The restaurant is an affordable one with an excellent ambiance and view of the hills.They serve Multi Cuisine,Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks and Sandwiches.

Rudra Cafe
This cafe place attracts the young crowd with its theme and decor and serves excellent chinese & cafe food.

Kenwood Restaurant
Kenwood Restaurant serves the best quality of Indian (Gujrati, South Indian, Punjabi), Chinese & continental food. The Bar & Restaurant has the most exquisite ...

Shivalik Restaurant
Shivalik Hotel & Resorts has a restaurant at ground floor and on the roof top. Ground floor restaurant can accommodate 40 guests and is facing the valley.Roof ...

Narinder Sweet House
Narinder Sweet house excels not just in sweets like Jalebi and Gulab Jamns but also spicy food like bun samosa and chole.This is Famous for the Bun Samosa and ...

Ross Common Resturant
In this charming town, Himachal Tourism runs the equally charming Hotel Ros Common. This colonial bungalow provides an 'old world' atmosphere to truly savoir ...

Restaurant Alasia
The Restaurant serves with a multi cuisine food and with attached bar facility. They provide Buffet Breakfast and it is a Family Suitable Restaurant.

Gyani Dhaba
The place serves to the people going to Shimla and other places ahead. The cuisine is Dhaba Food which means the usual Dal & Paneer dishes. Along with that they...

Hill's Pride Restaurant
A multi-cuisine restaurant, set amidst the green valleys of Himachal.The perfect blend of nature with opulent luxury, it's a place where all your gastronomic ...
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