Feira Do Rio Antigo (lapa Antique Market)
The Rio Antiques Fair is a traditional cultural and tourist event held on Rua do Lavradio, which celebrates Brazilian culture and aims at the social and ...
Here's a list of Popular places for shopping antiques in Rio de Janeiro recommended by our experts:
The Rio Antiques Fair is a traditional cultural and tourist event held on Rua do Lavradio, which celebrates Brazilian culture and aims at the social and ...
Rio Plaza Shopping, Rua General Severiano 97 - Botafogo, ☎ 21 2542-5693, [25].
Shopping Rio Sul, Rua Lauro Müller, 116 - Botafogo (just north of the tunnel from Botafogo to Copacabana), ☎ 21 3527-7257, [29]. The largest mall in the Zona ...
Attached to the Sofitel Hotel, this 180-store mall specializes in antiques and art galleries. Browsers enjoy the antiques fair that takes place every Saturday ...