Popular places for shopping antiques in Chiang Mai

Here's a list of Popular places for shopping antiques in Chiang Mai recommended by our experts:

Bor Sang Umbrella Village

Bor Sang Umbrella Village

Place to Visit in Chiang Mai
KidsBusinessArt And CultureFamily

Bo Sang umbrella makers know how to make a beautiful umbrella, they should - they have been practicing the art form for more than two centuries. Bo Sang ...

Baan Tawai

Baan Tawai

Shopping Place in Chiang Mai
KidsFor WomenSeniorsArt And Culture

The three handicraft villages Baan Tawai, Baan Wan and Hang Dong are on highway 108 about 15 km out of the city. The villages are famous for antiques, ceramic ...

Jj Market

Jj Market

Pub in Chiang Mai

Beer Garden , Best place to relax and enjoy . First timer can taste the wine , beer . best place for couples and friends.

Other Recommendations

Pratu Chiang Mai Market

Pratu Chiang Mai Market

Shopping Place in Chiang Mai

Pratu Market, located just inside the Old City moat at Chiang Mai Gate on the south face of the Old City, differs from Sompet Market in two ways. First, Pratu ...

Central Plaza Chiang Mai Airport

Central Plaza Chiang Mai Airport

Shopping Place in Chiang Mai

Central Plaza Chiang Mai Airport (เซ็นทรัล แอร์พอร์ต พลาซ่า), corner Thipanet Rd and Mahidon Rd. About half a mile from the airport is a somewhat adventurous ...

Chiang Mai Resin Co.ltd.

Shopping Place in Chiang Mai

This store displays a wide selection of Buddha images, which are very appealing for home decoration. The figurines and statues are made from resins and ...

Amway Shop

Amway Shop

Shopping Place in Chiang Mai

Miscellaneous Shop, This shop is located in chiang mai thailand . in this shop you will get all cosmetics products for men and women . the products will not to ...