Brabantse Golf
The new golf season is just around the corner. The winter has been particularly cold wet fur passed and spring is knocking at our door castle. For us golfers, ...
Here's a list of Cheapest golf courses to play in Brussels recommended by our experts:
The new golf season is just around the corner. The winter has been particularly cold wet fur passed and spring is knocking at our door castle. For us golfers, ...
The Royal Amicale Anderlecht Golf Club is only a couple steps from the European capital city and stretches out in the Pajottenland countryside, as a natural ...
The BGC is first and foremost a Golf Academy designed and managed since its beginning, by Tony Bacon our head Pro, previously Federal National coach working ...
The golf of The Emperor is located about thirty kilometers from Brussels, not far from the Lion of Waterloo. In a wink of eye.
Officials "beginners" will accompany you on the path to advise you and help you prepare your patent theoretical and practical. Moreover, regular recognition of ...
It is however by common consent a quality club, which upholds the finest traditions of golf. It prides itself on its hospitality to all visiting golfers.
In April 2008, the 25th anniversary of the takeover of the club by its members and 40 years of the club, we can usher in a Clubhouse completely renovated and ...
Sometimes we look far places of relaxation that can be inflated, while in nearby there are sites that have it all. It is from this simple idea that the Château...
Golf Chateau de la Tournette is a Golfing club Situated in the marvellous countryside of Ittre and Niveles, the Chateau de la Tournette Golf Club offers you a ...
Golf de Pierpont created in 1991 by late lamented Dutch architect Johan Dudock van Heel, Pierpont has been totally renovated in 2011. But the Great Pierpont as ...