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William McCrum Park
57 William Street Milford, Armagh, Co Armagh, Phone: T: 02837525467
This park is the site which makes Milford village world famous. In 1890 this was a football pitch where William McCrum (1865-1932) a goal keeper in Milford football club invented the penalty kick rule in football which has since been adapted and is now used throughout the world in many sports. The which revolutionized the world of sport is now a public park with a bust of Mr. Mc Crum by celebrated Belfast artist D.P Pettigrew. Information panels explain the story of the penalty kick and the extraordinary model village of Milford which was created by the Mc Crum family one of Ireland's premier linen manufacturing dynasties. Open dawn to dusk. Entrance free. Parking spaces available around the park. Toilets and further information available at the Milford House Museum no.57 William Street which is on opposite side of the street to the park.