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Werribee Gorge Climbing
Ingliston VIC 3342, Australia Phone: 1300 182 077About
Climbing at the Werribee Gorge is a real adventure. The kind of adventure that implies falling rocks, blood and bold moves. You must earn the right to climb that cliff, and your epic journey will start at Falcon's Lookout, a few kilometres away from Bacchus Marsh.
But first, here are a few tips you might find useful: Do not just enter "Werribee Gorge" in your GPS. GPSes are dumb. They will send you right to the middle of nowhere, picking a random spot in the national park as your destination. You will end up in an empty car park, or by the side of a gravel road, desperately trying to locate Falcon's Lookout, under which a climbing paradise awaits you. To avoid such inconvenience, you might want to stop by the ranger station in Bacchus Marsh before heading to the cliffs, and have a look at their map. It will safely lead you to the car park, from which the lookout is only a 30 minute walk. Bring walking shoes, it's a pretty rough path.