Wadi Rum

Top Places to Visit

Lawrence's House

Lawrence's house: Nobody is certain that this was Lawrence's house, although there are stories that he both stayed and/or stored weapons here. The current ... more

Lawrence's Spring

Lawrence's Spring: Just 2km (1.2 miles) south-west of the village of Rum. The spring is at the top of a short scramble - head for the fig tree! Although the ... more

Seven Pillars Of Wisdom

Seven Pillars of Wisdom: Although most people can only count five, this is an impressive rock formation near the Visitor's centre. It is named after T E ...

Red Sand Dunes

Red Sand Dunes: There are various places in Wadi Rum where the white and red sands meet, but the most commonly visited is a dune sloping up alongside a jebel - ... more

Burdah Rock Bridge

Burdah Rock Bridge: On many tours you only view this from a distance, but it is possible to climb up to this rock bridge if you have a guide and a reasonable ...

Top Places to Eat

Bedouin Team Camp

Bedouin Team Camp

Bedouin Team Camp, ☎ +962 7 7222 6419, [3]. Inside the Wadi Rum protected area with all facilities, Bedouin fresh food, shower, toilets.  

Wadi Rum Travel Camp

wadi rum travel camp, ☎ +962 777477051, [2]. Inside the Wadi Rum protected area with all facilities, Bedouin fresh food, shower, toilets.  

Rum Stars Camp

Rum stars Camp, ☎ +962 7 9512 7025, [5]. A real permanent Bedouin Camp in the shade of a "humbling" cliff face, complete with proper toilets and a shower block... more

Jordan Tracks Camp

Jordan tracks Camp, ☎ +962 7 9648 2801, [4]. In the South of the protected area in a beautiful and unique location, ideally located for hiking.  

Bedouin Advisor Camp

Bedouin Advisor Camp

Bedouin Advisor Camp, ☎ +962 7 9599 6166, [1]. Traditional Bedouin style camp site in a beautiful spot overlooking Jebel Khazali, this camp is run by brothers ... more

Wadi Rum Team Camp

Wadi Rum Team Camp, ☎ +962 7 7604 4031, [6]. Camp sites are offered both in big or small tents in Wadi Rum. Food is prepared on the fire, and dinner and ...