virgin marry Deer
Asyut, Asyout, Egypt
Is the Virgin Mary Monastery mountains west of the city of Assiut, and at a height of one hundred meters from the surface of agricultural land, away from the city ten kilometers traveled the car in a quarter of an hour, and go to the monastery reflects Visitor reflects Visitor madinah the west to see himself in the face of Mount Assiut standing upright and with him heading south three miles Other Doronka to the village and then heading towards the road leading to the mountain kilometer car and end up outside the gates of the monastery. Can also be two visitors up to the monastery for the ring road, which starts at Km 3 three times before entry into the city of Assiut from the northern side at kilometer 4 and four of the south side. Coming of the Holy Family to Assiut Jesus came to him be glory for Egypt as a small child with his mother the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph the Carpenter, if you leave the holy family of Palestine and home and headed towards the Egyptian country, interrupted the Sinai desert until they reached the eastern Delta, passing through some of the country's Lower mere and on to Upper Egypt, until the city of Asyut, and then to the mountains west where Maghara known resolved by the Holy Family, and later the next to the Virgin Mary Monastery, which Ertba on the chest of this mountain overlooking the green valley that extends as far east as the River Nile, and the coming of the Holy Family to the mountain of Assiut in August, when it resolves the fast Virgin, and this live monastery religious celebrations a year, starting on 7-August to 21 the twenty-first each year Churches and buildings of the monastery Monastery group of churches the oldest church of the cave, and the length and faced 160 hundred and sixty meters and a depth of 60 sixty meters, since the end of the first century Christian, It is worth mentioning that the Cave Monastery of these back to about 2500 two thousand and five hundred years was said date, and the monastery a lot of buildings of up to five roles, and the large halls for religious services, social and artistic activities, and rooms for the hospitality and accommodation Message Monastery His religious of the monastery, since the dawn of Christianity Christians continue to stay in, hereditary, and as the monastic movement began in the fourth century Christian monasteries in this region has many monks and nuns who lived the most famous by John Alkadin Elasuoty Assesses convent prayers and walk Gen. daily, and receives visitors from six o'clock am and close its doors 18:00, but also the promise to First عشر pm during the month of August, The monastery Vicu overnight under an earlier statement. The Virgin Mary Monastery Mount Assiut important tourist attractions in the country, Egyptian meant thousands of visitors, foreigners and Egyptians throughout the year to get to know the place, which ended with the progress of the Holy Family, which began the return trip. Have manifested themselves in illuminating the Virgin still appear from time to time in this holy monastery where people find quiet comfort, peace and joy.