Žemaičių Smuklė Restaurant Cozy place in the heart of old town. Very good local cuisine .Nice interior... Shortlist
Cozy Restaurant Cozy, Dominikonų str. 10, [48]. Sauve but laid-back restaurant upstairs, DJ... Shortlist
Žemaičiai (the Samogitians) Restaurant Žemaičiai (The Samogitians), Vokiečių st. 24, ☎ +370 5 2616573, [52]. ... Shortlist
Les Amis Restaurant Les Amis, Savičiaus str. 7. Family-run French restaurant with fresh food. ... Shortlist
La Provence Restaurant La Provence, Vokiečių str. 22, ☎ 852616573 (zemaiciusmukle@takas.lt), [63... Shortlist