
Top Places to Visit

A Guía

A Guía. A hill known as Guía is the most important landmark. It has served sailors for centuries as a point of reference when entering port, has become one of ... more

Top Places to Eat

Tia Brigida

Tia Brigida

Rua do Arco 10 , Vigo
Phone: ☎ 986392326

Tia Brigida, Rua do Arco 10, ☎ 986392326. lunch and dinner. Situated in the old seaside village of Cangas, across the picturesque harbor from Vigo, this ... more


Fermin Penzol 10, Vigo
Phone: ☎ 986 223 729

Picadillo, Fermin Penzol 10, Vigo (100m up from the tourist port, just below the Porta de Sol), ☎ 986 223 729, [10]. 12:30-1600, 20:00-23:30. Sitting right on ... more