Top Places to Visit
Március 15 Tér.
Március 15 tér. The main square of Vác is a blend of Rococo and Baroque mansions, but you'll also note the archeaological diggings that dominate the area. The ... more
Town Prison
Town Prison on Köztársaság u. is still a functioning prison. It gained notoriety during communism and the Horthy regime for being one of the cruelest prisons in... more
Round Tower
Round Tower is on the northern end of the waterfront. It is the only remaining part of the former town fortifications. Today it is built into a far more modern ...
Greek Church Exhibition Space
Greek Church Exhibition Space is on Március 15. tér 19. contains history, art, and culture from the once thriving but now nearly non-existant Greek Church in ...
Top Places to Eat
Desszert Szalon
Phone: ☎ (20) 390-3367
Desszert Szalon, Köztársaság út 21. (short walk from the main square), ☎ (20) 390-3367, [4]. 09:00-20:00. This tiny cafe has probably the tastiest, most ... more
Vácz Remete Pince
On a warm sunny autumn day, my friend and I sat on the terrace outside of this restaurant next to the hill-sloped garden filled with flowers. The menu was ... more
Top Places for Nightlife
Choco Cafe Váci Csokizó
Phone: ☎ +36(27)305-839
Choco Cafe Váci Csokizó, Március 15. tér 20. (main square), ☎ +36(27)305-839, [5]. Unique Chocolaterie on main square. Hot chocolates made of real chocolate (... more
Top Activity Places
József Attila Sétány
József Attila sétány is the primary waterside promenade and a walk along it is probably the most worthwhile thing to do in Vác. Besides the Danube and scenery ... more