University Boat Races (usually Weds-Sat of Week 7 of Hilary Term and Weds-Sat of Week 5 of Trinity term - check for term dates) Twice a year, the river is taken over by the inter-college boat races. The races are a great way to experience the Oxford obsession with rowing first-hand. The river is full of people and there is a great atmosphere of college spirit. Races take place south of the city centre on the Isis, between Donnington Bridge and Christ Church Meadows. The best places to watch are either the towpath along the side of the river, or at the bottom of the meadows - both accessible by foot from the centre (about 10-15 minutes). Word of warning however for those watching along the towpath, the towpath is likely to be swarming with marshals and bike riders while the crews are racing. The towpath does however offer the best vantage points, particularly for the bumps races where crews will often 'bump out' halfway along the course. Most college boathouses will also be serving food and drink throughout the week of racing. Races take place 11am-6pm, with the better boats racing later in the day.