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Triple Gems of Bangkok
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Visit three sparkling gems of old Bangkok - the Grand Palace, Wat Pho and Wat Arun . Great Meditation Master Luang Phor Mongkol-Thepmuni, the late venerable Chao Khun (Abbot) of Wat Paknam, Basicharoen, Bangkok and his Teachings of the Vijjā Dhammakāya and its Method of Meditation. Luang Phor (Venerable Father) re-discovered this unique Method of Meditation in the 11th year of his monkhood after it was lost in the mist of time since the MahāParinibbāna of Lord Buddha Gotama. Soon after becoming a monk, he realised that there were very few accomplished meditation and Dhamma teachers. He felt that without knowing what the Buddhas behold, his life as a monk would be wasted. His first work concerned the Eighteen Kayas (or Bodies) and the book title was called The Dhammakāya and its Metaphysical Implications; its first printing appeared in 1960. The book was later expanded and renamed Sammā Samādhi I, 1961 and, later further expanded and called Vistas - Buddhist Insights into Immortality. Another work, The Life and Teaching of the Venerable Chao Khun Mongkol-Thepmuni, was also published in 1960. Later works were Sammā Diṭṭhi (1962); Samatha-Vipassanā - An Exposition of Attainments (subsequently renamed Sammā Samādhi II, 1963) and Altitude & The Buddhist Experience (early 1970s).