Too Much Japanese

Providencia 2571 Cuisines: Asian, Japanese


Santiago is, strangely, very hieavily popoulated with sushi restaurants. Over the last five years we have seen tremendous growth, and the average Chilean now considers suishi to be a relatively normal thing to go out and eat. There is even sush  in some of the minimarts that dot the city. One place fto try for sushi when you have matched a good appetite with a medium-sized budget, is this small chain of restaurants called Too Much. Their sushi is (as is most Chielan sushi), heavlily sltated towards salmon, avocado and cream cheese, but  with all-you can eat specials, this retsaurant is betting you won't mind. The all-you can eat sushi takes place Monday to Friday 1 PM to 3 PM and 5 to 11 PM, and all day Saturdays and on holidays. The special costs around $13 US, and another special includes (happy rolls) includes 12 bites (two rolls) and a drink for around $8 US. You can also choose from the menu, and be sure to try their wasabi sour, a Japanes-inspired twist on the pisco sour, the Chilean national drink.

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