The Great Pyramid of Giza

Al Haram, Giza Governorate, Egypt Average Price: $ 30 per person


Giza is best known as that part of Cairo closest to the world-famous Pyramids of Giza, situated high on the desert plateau immediately to the west of the urban district, itself located in the valley and centred around the Pyramids Road, linking central Cairowith the ancient wonders.

Useful Tips

"some of our best work."

"remember to climb to the very top and make a wish!"

"awesome to share this with the man in my life!"

"ride a camel, it's awesome"

"rent some of the horses from in between the pyramids area not from the outside,and don't be fooled give him 30 ep per horse at best."

Must do


"must !"

"must see while you're in egypt but unfortunately the guides there ( along the police who are complicit ) will make your tour really bad!"

Avoid doing this

"avoid a sunburn! 50% off to isic!"

"avoid fake tour guides"

What people dont like

"on the giza plateau, khufu's builders oriented the largest pyramid ever built, it incorporates about 2.3 million stone blocks, weighing an average of 2.5 to 15 tons each."

"stupid egyptian people picnic in front of the pyramid."

"don't be afraid of haggling in egypt: start off offering 40% of the price and don't be afraid to walk away."

"if you decide to go insinde you should know this: very narrow corridor that goes first down and up."

"we had a driver which helped with transport within d pyramids, go on d camel (not more than10-20 le)& horses (5-20le)."

"classic tourist rip-off."

"pyramids are a must see while you're in egypt but unfortunately the guides there ( along the police who are complicit ) will make your tour really bad!"

"i stood firm and demanded my stolen money back."

"avoid fake tour guides"

"order the maḥshi ḥamām and ask for the secret sauce!"

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