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The Cinema
101 reykjavík Phone: +354 898 6628 www.thecinema.isAbout
The cozy Cinema in the Loft - Ideal for families In The Cinema, upstairs at Old Harbour Village No2, downtown Reykjavík, one can experience nature´s ferocious and devastating powers through the films BIRTH OF AN ISLAND – THE MAKING OF ICELAND, THE ERUPTION! and HEKLA from 1947-2000. Also the beautiful Northern Lights – or Aurora Borealis. The Cinema is in an old, restored fisherman´s workplace, where the smell of salted fish still lingers, but very cozy and comfortable. Also come and relax, while looking at books on Icelandic nature and geology, or our small but nice rock collection. Ideal for families and the films The Eruption and Hekla have just images and music – so language is no problem. The documentaries, that are always shown, are about the volcanic eruption in Eyjafjallajökull volcano in the spring of 2010, eruptions in Hekla from 1947-2000, a film produced 2011 that shows how Iceland was made in volcanic eruptions. The film explains why it is still so volcanically active showing many volcanic eruptions, such as Grimsvötn 2011, Surtsey and Westman Islands, and how Icelanders have harnessed the power of the natural hot water in the ground. Two new films were added to the schedule in 2013; VATNAJÖKULL NATIONAL PARK and CHASING THE NORTHERN LIGHTS – about the ever so elusive AURORA BOREALIS. During the summer about 8 different films can be shown.The films are made by Valdimar Leifsson, one of Iceland´s best known nature and documentaries film maker, and The Cinema is run by him and his family. Scheduled shows daily from noon – night in the summer monthsPossible to re-arrange the schedule upon request and arrangement 12:00 The Eruption! Eyjafjallajökull & Hekla 1947-2000 12:30 The Eruption! Eyjafjallajökull & Hekla 1947-2000 13:00 The Eruption! Eyjafjallajökull & Birth of an island – The making of Iceland – German 14:00 Vatnajökull National Park – NEW 2013 15:00 Thingvellir – The Lake between the Continents 16:00 The Eruption! Eyjafjallajökull & Birth of an island – The making of Iceland 17:00 The Eruption! Eyjafjallajökull & Hekla 1947-2000 & CHASING THE NORTHERN LIGHTS – AURORA BOREALIS* NEW 2013 18:00 The Eruption! Eyjafjallajökull & Birth of an island – The making of Iceland* * Films shown the whole year around. AdmissionAdults (18+): ISK 1000 – show at 12 and 12:30 All other shows: Adults (18+): ISK 1500 Discounts: Children (6-17): 50%. Seniors and students (w/ID): 15%.