The Baggot Inn

143 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland


Few venues can boast such a colourful history and well known patrons. A young Bono was almost turned away from these world famous doors for looking underage, Tracey Chapman launched her career here. Bob Geldof begged for a month before he was given a gig. U2, Christy Moore , Thin Lizzy, Mary Coughlan , The Water-boys and Brush Sheils all performed some of their best gigs in these four walls. Danny O’Donoghue, of The Script also played here with his first band New Town.When the newly named Baggot Inn first threw open its doors in 1969, everyone felt it. Over the decades, as The Baggot Inn grew and evolved, the atmosphere of the place grew too. It is truly steeped in music, history and good humour, right in the heart of Dublin.Originally established in 1969, The Baggot Inn has an established reputation as one of Dublin’s Liveliest Venues! it re-opened in 2007 after a complete refurbishment and have being trading in a competitive market very well since. The Baggot Inn prides ourselves on their Customer Service and this is reflected in their excellent staff who will make sure that you enjoy your visit.With a brand New menu boasting something for every taste. All their food in the kitchen is fresh produce delivered daily by local suppliers.The Baggot Inn is the first bar in Dublin to introduce the ‘Pull Your Own Pint’ experience and it is still hugely popular.
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