
Top Places to Eat

Café Austral

Bulnes 880 , Temuco

This modern international restaurant/bar does a good job of closing itself off amid the hubbub of downtown foot traffic. Because it's split into two glitzy ... more

Restaurante Rapa Nui

Restaurante Rapa Nui

Restaurante Rapa Nui, (on Aldunate near the central market). This local favorite has the best Churrascos and Completos and Chilean "family food" in town. It is ... more

Top Activity Places

Parque Nacional Villarrica

Chile , Temuco

This park is 12 kms. from Pucon, you can go around it by car in no more than 30 mins. It's 62.998 hectares an includes 3 volcanoes: Villarrica (2.840), Lanin (3... more

Lahuen-co, Eco Resort & Spa Termal

Parque Nacional Lanín, Ruta Provincial N° 62 , Temuco

Lahuen Co, Termas de Epulafquen is a truly unique place in Argentina, deeply immersed in the widest protected area of Patagonia on a landscape made of virgin ... more