Tapiola Golf

Turveradantie 1, Espoo, 02180 Phone: 09-42500750 Average Price: $ 38 per person http://www.tapiolagolf.fi/


A full-scale field only puukolmosen from Tapiola, Espoo, is something that a golfer has dreamed of for a long time. Welcome to the play or on the sun terrace by the way.Tapiola golf course was designed by Chicago-based Tim Nugent. In addition to design work he has done bulldozed the field finishing the design of the field sheipannut plan. 

Field construction is complete. The field of gaming takaysi opened in September 2012 and the field received by the reception was great. Early Summer 2013 takaysiä and played all 18 holes opened on 5 August. Especially great shapely greens were in good condition, and the players love the field for the first time viiikon.

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