
Top Places to Eat


Pomodoro, Small local restaurant near the soccer field. They offer pizza and local food.

Republika Taganguera

Republika Taganguera, French Restaurant/Bar. Tel. (0057-5) 421 90 92. Located in hostel Divanga, with nice swimming pool and just 4 blocks straight up from ...

Ktorse Restaurant-bar

Calle 14 No. 1B - 85 , Taganga
Phone: ☎ (0057-5) 421 23 50

KTORSE Restaurant-Bar, Calle 14 No. 1B - 85, ☎ (0057-5) 421 23 50 (info@ktorse.com), [9]. This small restaurant is located near the beach. They offer breakfast... more

Top Activity Places

Calipso Dive Center

Calle 12 No. 1 - 40
Phone: ☎ (5) 421 91 46

Calipso Dive Center, Calle 12 No. 1 - 40, ☎ (5) 421 91 46 (roberdive@hotmail.com), [7]. Calipso is the only center that offers a Tayrona Park Safari, where ... more

Fundación Unilot

Fundación UNILOT is Divanga's foundation in tourism research (Unilot means "Unidad de Investigación-Acción Local en Turismo"). B.A. graduates travellers can ... more

Playa Grande

A 15 minute walk north of town lies Playa Grande, definitely better than Taganga's beach but maybe even more crowded. It is also possible to take a boat to get ... more

Bonito Gordo

A longer walk goes to Bonito Gordo and from there to Bahia Concha. Reserve a full day for this and ask around to decide if you need to contract a local guide. ... more

Learn Spanish

Calle 14 No. 1B - 95
Phone: ☎ Tel. (5) 421 93 90

Learn Spanish, Calle 14 No. 1B - 95 (near the beach), ☎ Tel. (5) 421 93 90 (info@colombiaspanish.com), [2]. Learning a new language is fun. Taganga is a great ... more