
16 Avenue Bugeaud, 75116 Paris, France Phone: +33 1 56 28 16 16 Average Price: $ 46 per person Cuisines: Vegetarian, French Features: Dinner, Lunch


Les Tablettes is a French Cuisine restaurant which is in Paris. Macaroni with foie gras and truffle that I created in 1997 when I officiated at La Grande Cascade alongside Alain Ducasse says my culinary taste perfectly. I had in mind the upper crust dough of my childhood, that of Alain Ducasse at Juana - gratin pasta bound in a reduced cream and gravy and truffle-recipe Tendret Lucien, nephew of Brillat-Savarin . Later, I would discover again the Escoffier release.The restaurant timing will be from Mon-Sun 12:00-2:30 pm, 7:00-10:30 pm

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