Swords Museum/Fingal Genealogy

Carnegie Library, North St., Swords, Dublin, Republic of Ireland Phone: T: +353(0)18400080 http://www.swordsheritage.com/


Society founded in 1982 to promote, record and preserve the history of the greater Swords area. The town was founded in 560 AD by St. Colmcille. Round and Mediaeval Towers remaining feature of his monastic settlement still to be seen. Swords Castle c1200 is a focal point of Swords; home of Norman Archbishops of Dublin. The group at the Carnegie Library are available weekdays from 1 pm to 4.30 pm to facilitate those who wish to walk around Historic Swords, trace their Fingallian Roots. Visit Graveyards, explore place names and town lands, and purchase books on local history. Since 1993 the centre has recorded the memories of elderly people which are published in the 'Swords Voices' series each year. So far 20 publications have been issued.

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