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Sugar and Scribe Bakery
1420 Garnet Ave. San Diego, CA 92109 Phone: ☎ 858-274-1733About
Sugar and Scribe Bakery, 1420 Garnet Ave. San Diego, CA 92109, ☎ 858-274-1733, [19]. M-T10 am – 5:30 pm , Fr- Sat. 10-6:30, Sun 11-4. A newcomer to Pacific Beach, Sugar and Scribe Bakery is quickly making its home here, with sweets so good that dentists recommend them. They carry a varied selection of cakes, pies, and breads, including Irish soda bread. The pies are made with Irish-style pie crust and are most definitely worth a try. The proprietor uses traditional recipes passed down through her family, and if she's not too busy you may get some family history with your cake. The coffee is pretty good too. They update Twitter and Facebook regularly with daily specials.