Popaj Restaurant Popaj, Pojišanska b.b., Šetalište Ivana Meštrovića b.b., [28]. Mo-Th winter... Shortlist
Nostromo Restaurant Nostromo, Kraj Svete Marije 10 (just off Marmontova). Good seafood and ... Shortlist
Buffet Picaferaj Cafe Buffet Picaferaj, popovica 2. Small side street restaurant run by a young ... Shortlist
Fino Friško Restaurant Fino Friško, Čulića dvori 2. Because of its proximity to school, this ... Shortlist
Mala Kuća Restaurant Mala kuća, Domovinskog rata 27d, Put firula 39. daily 9AM-12 midnight. Fast... Shortlist
Biser Orijenta Restaurant Biser Orijenta, Bihaćka 2a (top floor of Lavčević building). 11:30AM-... Shortlist
Buffet Picaferaj Pub Buffet Picaferaj, Popovica 2. A small restaurant on a side street that ... Shortlist