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Sligo Races
Sligo Racecourse, Cleveragh Road Phone: fax: (071) 916 2484About
Sligo Races, Sligo Racecourse, Cleveragh Road (From GPO, turn left. After 40 m (44 yd), turn right onto Rockwood Parade. Take second right at 140 m (153 yd) (opposite Footbridge), onto Water Lane. At top of lane (200 m (220 yd)), go straight up Market Street and High Street. At the top of the hill, bear left onto Burton Street, then turn right onto Pearse Road. Take third left after 400 m (435 yd) (opposite Bed & Breakfast houses) onto Cleveragh Road. Racecourse is 550 m (600 yd) on left (total distance of 1.6 km (1 mi)).), ☎ (071) 918 3342 (, fax: (071) 916 2484), [7]. 6-8 race meetings per year, from May to Sep. €15/€10 concessions (children free).