
Top Places to Visit

Top Places to Eat

Cafe Eval

8600 Silkeborg, Denmark

Cafe Eval. Papirfabrikken 10. tel: 86803366, Good beers and tapas, pastas, steaks, and burgers. Tapas or pasta main course DKK 70.

Michael D

Kragelund Anlægsgartner v/Michael Nørgaard Leest, Kragelund Skovvej 22...

Michael D The restaurant and brasserie at the Radisson hotel at papirfabrikken. Tel +45 88822222. [6] Menus from 250DKK.

Top Activity Places



Himmelbjerget. Walk this 147 meter "mountain" (Himmelbjerget is literaly sky mountain) and the tower on top of it (DKK 7.50 entrance for the tower). There are ... more



8600 Silkeborg, Denmark

Hjejlen [5] go on a boat ride on the oldest operative paddle steamer in the world.

Silkeborg Golf Club

Silkeborg Golf Club

Silkeborg Golf Club Sensommervej 15C DK-8600 Silkeborg
Phone: +45 86 85 33 99

185km east of Silkeborg, in the heart of Jutland

$ 0 average cost