Shopping at Patronato

Patronato 50


Patronato is a neighborhood, accessible from the Bellas Artes neighborhood by crossing the bridge over the river, or you can take the yellow line metro to the station Patronato. Once there, you will be in a warren of stores selling every manner of clothing imaginable. Depending on the season there are racks of tank tops and tee shirts, spilling onto the streets and in the individual stores. Here you can find knock-offs of fashions from the department stores, which are sometimes actually copied directly from these designs themselves, as well as fashion innovators who have their own boutique shops (these, usually on the street Manzano) where they use bright patterns and stretchy fabrics and often cut on the bias. To find your treasures, you'll want to give yourself a fair bit of time, and to avoid crowds, arrive aroudn 10 or 11 AM, and certainly not after the lunch rush. When you're doine shopping, check out one of the middle-eastern restaurants for good felafel or schwarma before you take off. Bargaining is not done here, unless you are purchasing in bulk. Patronato is generally safe, but be careful when taking out your money or if you have a cell phone in hand. Use your judgement, as it can be quite crowded, so it's better safe than sorry.

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