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Setu Babakan Village
Setu Babakan village is an area set by the Jakarta Government as a preservation and sustainable development place for Betawi culture. It is located in the village of Srengseng Sawah, Sub District Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, Jakarta Province, Indonesia. It is an interesting place to visit for tourist who wants to enjoy the unique atmosphere of rural or indigenous Betawi culture. The Setu Babakan communities maintained the culture and way of life of Betawi peoples, such as the cultivation of fish in cages, fishing, farming, trading, hand crafting, and Betawi unique culinary. With its well maintained natural and cultural environment, it offers every tourist visiting this area, the cultural heritage of the nature of Betawi with unique cool and shady panorama, and also the platform houses with distinctive authentic Betawi architecture. There are kiosks that sells variety of unique Betawi dishes in this village, like ketoprak, ketupat nyiksa, kerak telor, ketupat sayur, bakso, laksa, arum manis, soto betawi, mie ayam, soto mie, roti buaya, bir pletok, nasi uduk, kue apem, toge goreng, dan tahu gejrot. There are also various Betawi unique accessories and crafts, such as toys, fashion accessories and many other crafts. The visiting time of Setu Babakan Vilage is from 06.00 till 18.00 hrs. A must place to visit when you are in Jakarta, unbelievable experiences awaits you in this Village