Ruby Falls, 1720 South Scenic Highway, +1 423 821-2544, [19]. This thundering 145 foot waterfall inside Lookout Mountain has been a popular attraction since 1929. Named after the founder's wife, Ruby Falls was found by Leo Lambert in 1923 as he and his corporation were drilling a shaft to open the historic Lookout Mountain Cave to the public. During the drilling, a small opening was located and after a 17 hour trip, Leo emerged with tales of beautiful rock formations and a spectacular waterfall. Parking is on-site, attended and free. Allow approximately two hours for your visit. Those with claustrophobia may be a little unnerved by the elevator ride into the caverns. No strollers are permitted and the cave tour is not wheelchair accessible. Ruby Falls is open from 8AM-8PM (except Christmas Day), the attraction is weatherproof and 60 degrees year round. Adult admission is $17.95, Children ages 3 - 12 are $9.95, 2 years and under are free. Combination tickets covering Rock City, Ruby Falls, and the Incline are available at any of the three attractions. [20]